Never mind that almost all of the accusations thrown at the researchers involved have been proven baseless. Never mind that much of the media has retreated from the aggressive stance it adopted during its ‘comment first, ask questions later’ approach to the content of the e-mails. And never mind that the scientific basis for the global-warming problem remains as solid as it was a year ago. Huge damage has been done to the reputation of climate science, and arguably to science as a whole. That impact deserves to be assessed and the necessary lessons need to be learned.
En último termino me remito a lo ya dicho. Si hay alguien que tenga una hipótesis alternativa a la del calentamiento global de origen antropogénico que explique de forma satisfactoria los cambios en el clima puede dar un paso al frente y mostrarla para ser evaluada por la comunidad científica. Así es como funciona la ciencia. Seguro que no es una forma perfecta, tiene lagunas y defectos. Pero es lo que mejor ha funcionado hasta la fecha.