Jeff (JVincen2)

Sobre Broadcom:

I still don’t see the huge CA acquisitions synergies in AVGO working out right but who knows. Some here don’t like IBM and CA did a lot of the same things, mainframes and software cycles are having a tough go of it against cloud computing shifts. SaaS is fine but much of that is changing fast now days also. I think he finally got a clearer picture of where some, CSCO in particular was headed and is making sure they stay involved that way also going forward myself.

I also noted how they are shopping around their RF supply division as some things have changed in that market also. One that way is QCOM can now offer a complete RF supply chain including a modem for example.

To much acquisition debt for me in the end but Hock Tan is working on paying some of that down as fast as he can and I do think he is always looking ahead.

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