Petrobras (PBR)


¿Por ser IF o por qué?

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Petrobras informs on Board of Directors’ Statement on dividend distribution

Rio de Janeiro, April 19, 2024 – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that the Company’s Board of Directors, at a meeting held today, in continuity with its process of clarification on the destination of the remaining profit for the 2023 financial year and the possibility of distributing extraordinary dividends, during the presentation to monitor the execution of the 2024-2028+ Strategic Plan, took note of the explanations and data presented by the Finance and Investor Relations Department.

Considering dynamic scenarios, such as the evolution of Brent, the exchange rate and other factors, the Board of Directors considered, by majority vote, that the clarifications and updates on the Company’s financing in the short, medium and long term and the preservation of governance were satisfactory, so that: (i) any decision by the Annual General Meeting (AGM), scheduled for April 25, 2024, other than the Management proposal of March 7, 2024, to distribute, as extraordinary dividends, up to 50% of the remaining net income (after allocations to legal reserves and the payment of ordinary dividends), would not compromise the Company’s financial sustainability; (ii) any distribution of the remaining 50% by the Company, as interim dividends, will be evaluated by the Board of Directors during the current fiscal year.

Finally, the Company clarifies that this statement does not constitute a change to the management proposal published on March 7, 2024, which remains valid and in force.

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Ese extraordinario con 9.000 acciones que tengo me hace padre jaja

9.000 acciones son casi 150.000 euros, ¡Felicidades!

¿Eres Bartolo?

Ya quisiera yo jajjaja

Llevo 10.000 BATS pero Bartolo es mucho Bartolo

Se viene

1 me gusta

Unos 1,12$ por ADR :money_mouth_face:

3 Me gusta

Que lio

¿Mantienen las fechas de pago de los actuales pero cambian el ex date del segundo (el ex date del primero sigue siendo mañana ) y entiendo que han cambiado las cantidades (de 0,208$ a 0,56$ aprox)?


EDITO porque leyendo el comunicado, lo que yo interpreto es:

26/4 ex divi para el ordinario $0.44
03/05 ex divi para el extraordinario $0.68

20/28 mayo Pago 1: 50% de cada uno $0.22 + $0.34
20/27 junio pago 2: 50% de cada uno $0.22 + $0.34

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La única high yield que sube cuando descuenta el divi :open_mouth:

Gran jugada eso de declarar un divi y un día antes del descuento decir que es el triple. Seguro que los algos ni se han enterado. En la página de JPM sale todavía la info antigua

La mente norteamericana no está preparada para la forma de hacer las cosas de los sudamericanos :joy:

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Pero volvió y al precio que estaba, no lo veo tan mal.

1 me gusta

¿Pero están mal los record dates no?

A mi parecen bien, abril 29 y mayo 6 para los DR. Que ves mal? No he mirado si los montos están correctos, pero de leer el anuncio parece bien.


Debería ser 0.2157916+0.3405531 con record date Apr 29 y otro 0.2157916+0.3405531 con record date May 06

En lugar de 0.2157916+0.2157916 con record date Apr 29 y otro 0.3405531 +0.3405531 con record date May 06

0.2157916 era el ordinario ya declarado
0.3405531 es el extra que añadieron a última hora

Cada pago es ordinario + extra (esas fechas están bien) y cada descuento igual (esas fechas están mal). Lo han puesto como si el ordinario se descontase un día y el extraordinario otro

P.D: Releyendo la nota de PBR está bien así. Se descuentan en días distintos pero luego se combinan y se pagan en la misma fecha los cachos de ambos.

Ya había visto descuentos en la misma fecha que se pagaban en fechas diferentes … y ahora descuentos en fechas diferentes que se pagan en la misma fecha

Definitivamente la empresa ideal para los que tenemos TOC de Excel.

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Parece ser que el ex-dividend para los dividendos ordinarios es el 26 de abril y para los extraordinarios el 3 de mayo.

1 me gusta

Yo compré alguna acción de esta empresa solamente por el reto de rellenar el excel, los sudokus empezaban a aburrirme y hay que mantener el cerebro activo

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Petrobras on remuneration to shareholders

Rio de Janeiro, May 13, 2024 - Petróleo Brasileiro S.A – Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors, at a meeting held today, approved the payment of interim dividends and interest on own capital in the amount of R$ 13.45 billion, equivalent to R$ 1.04161205 per outstanding common and preferred share, in anticipation of the remuneration to shareholders for the year 2024, declared based on the balance sheet of March 31, 2024.

The proposed distribution is in line with the current Shareholder Remuneration Policy, which states that, in the event of gross debt equal to or lower than the maximum level of gross debt defined in the current strategic plan (currently US$65 billion), Petrobras may distribute 45% of free cash flow to its shareholders. This approval is compatible with the company’s financial sustainability. The proposed dividends already take into account the amount of shares repurchased in the first quarter of 2024 (R$1.1 billion), which has been deducted from the total remuneration to shareholders calculated in accordance with the Policy’s formula.

Dividends and interest on own capital will be paid in two installments in August and September, as follows:

Amount to be paid: R$1.04161205 per outstanding common and preferred share, whereby:

(i) the first installment, in the amount of R$ 0.52080603 per outstanding common and preferred share, will be paid on August 20, 2024 in the form of interest on own capital.

(ii) the second installment, in the amount of R$ 0.52080602 per outstanding common and preferred share, will be paid on September 20, 2024, of which R$ 0.44736651 in the form of dividends and R$ 0.07343951 in the form of interest on own capital.

Record date: on June 11, 2024 for holders of Petrobras shares traded on B3 and on June 13, 2024 for holders of ADRs traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Petrobras shares will be traded ex-rights on B3 as of June 12, 2024.

Payment date: For holders of Petrobras shares traded on B3, the first payment will be made on August 20, 2024 and the second payment will be made on September 20, 2024. ADR holders will receive payments starting on August 27, 2024 and on September 27, 2024, respectively.

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Unos 0,40$ por ADR

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