Tim McAleenan Jr. (The Conservative Income Investor)


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¿Somos Yagos o somos Luises?

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Yo un Luis o incluso peor :rofl::rofl:

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Que diferencia hay?

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El @jefedelforo lo explica en las Crónicas del Dinero de hoy. Experiencia de primera mano.

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Investors as a class have a poor grasp of what constitutes a “material adverse event” to stocks. In weekly to monthly cycles, the financial press reports on news that is supposed to be important for a particular stock. Then, you look back a decade later, and only or two of them ended up being material to shareholders. In 2032, British American Tobacco investors will not be looking back at Britain’s 2022 tax-and-spending budget plans as material to overall performance. Heck, it’s not even the biggest event to happen to shareholders this year (the Russia withdrawal was).

We live in a world with a lot of short-term thinking and catastrophizing rhetoric

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¿Es el viejo amigo? :thinking:


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“Low valuations create riches; high valuations create disappointment“

Yo creo que esto no se puede decir de manera general a inmutable. Hay muchos ejemplos de lo contrario.

Ojalá fuera tan fácil.

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