Empresas disruptivas

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Esta semana estuve revisando alguna documentación sobre AWS y di con esta.

Para la migración de servidores a la nube de Amazon se usan distintas herramientas, ya que hacerlo manualmente es inviable, lento y caro.

Alrededor de AWS han nacido, crecido, muerto y sobrevivido un buen puñado de empresas que facilitan que los centros de datos del mundo se muden a AWS.

Si la empresa es muy muy buena, y AWS ve potencial y conveniencia de adquirirla, lo hace. De hecho, TSO Logic se convirtió de facto la herramienta que todo el mundo estaba usando en los análisis de las migraciones y AWS decidió que la quería (esta empresa Canadiense fue adquirida en 2019 si no me equivoco).

Pues bien, hay otras 4 empresas que están compitiendo por una parte del pastel más grande, ya que no solo ayudan en las migraciones sino que después ayudan en las operaciones, y esto es dinero entrante de manera continua.

Dynatrace, New Relic, AppDynamics y Data Dog.

Yo conozco la de Dynatrace y los técnicos con los que trabajo me han contado maravillas de la herramienta en la gestión de operaciones, monitorización y actuaciones automáticas cuando hay desastres. Y se vende, no es una cosa que sea ajena a lo que veo. Después me miré los números de la empresa y me convencieron (teniendo en cuenta que es una empresa que aun tiene mucho que demostrar, ya que es nueva en un mercado muy competitivo).

Alguna de estas 4 empresas lo va a hacer bien ¿cuál? ni idea, pero si lo que queréis es empresas disruptoras que quieren ganarse la vida con facturación recurrente, que ayudan a un gigante como Amazon… pues estas son buenas candidatas.

un saludo.

19 Me gusta

Ya hay indices de fantasia de empresas disruptivas con filtro ESG ni mas ni menos :sweat_smile:, y ETFs UCITS que los replican

Lyxor Index Fund - Lyxor MSCI Disruptive Technology ESG Filtered (DR) UCITS ETF Acc (EUR) | UNIC

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Al menos es sorprendentemente barato, TER 0,15%:


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En la industria de fondos tambien hay estudiosos y expertos del Marketing. Las nuevas modas, siglas o conceptos como ESG, descarbonizacion, RSG.

A ver si les hacemos ver a estos expertos que lo que a nosotros nos motiva es un fondo a un coste aceptable y con buenos resultados.

Estamos en la epoca de las castañas, y hay muchos fondos que detras de esos titulos te la clavan, castañas de verdad

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Esta semana se comentó en el podcast de Iceberg de Valor, la empresa C3.AI

El CEO de esta empresa que está preparándose para salir a bolsa es Tom Siebel, si el que lo petó en los 90 con un CRM fantástico que terminó comprando Oracle.

A esa yo le voy a echar un vistazo.

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Hay mucha gente que escribe y hace vídeos de empresas de High Growth.

-Beth Kindig (recomendación de @raul_ap).


-Luke Lango (Chowder lo comenta): “Anyway, I found a young man on YouTube who finally made me get it. Now that I had a much better understanding, I decided to see if I could get any information on him so that I could determine credibility.
I came across the site Tip Ranks and out of 7,754 bloggers, this guy as number 1. He wasn’t perfect, he had an 84% accuracy rate, but that was enough for me to look into TWLO more after seeing his video.”


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Continua la disrupcion

Snowflake Market Cap Surpasses IBM, AMD

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De Wigan4 (S.A). Suele apuntar bien en este tipo de empresas.

“Recorté algunos excedentes de GOOG y BABA y agregué una pequeña posición inicial en CHWY hoy. Está en la intersección de dos grandes vientos de cola seculares que creo que durarán para siempre, el gasto en mascotas y el comercio minorista en línea. Estoy un poco sorprendido de que no esté en ARKW. Creo que me voy a concentrar en construir una posición significativa con bastante rapidez.”

Actualmente ampliando en PYPL, MELI, DOCU, ROKU, SQ.

Y respecto a mascotas, aporte de Jvicen2.

“” Some others to keep on your radar, two others I have owned and traded for gains before are FRPT CHWY. If it came down to me or our Golden being cared for back in time the boss would have went with her instead of me I think, Ha!. We both miss her badly still.
FRPT ( sort of a Whole Foods play on pets)
TRUP ( pet insurance and only pet insurance )

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Yo también ando trasteando las empresas de crecimiento con cantidades modestas en cada posición, para no preocuparme en caso de que alguna vaya mal, probando a ver qué tal van. De momento he entrado en BABA, SE, PLTR, U, FUBO, FSR, PGNY, PINS, SNOW, SCCO, SPCE, SBNW, NTLA, EH, FEAC, LMND, KC y SFIX.

No lo he puesto en el hilo principal de compras y ventas para no ensuciarlo con estas pequeñas compras especulativas de prueba y “aprendizaje” de la inversión en empresas “Growth”

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Tradingview ha incluido una pantalla donde ponen eventos significativos de que han ocurrido en los últimos meses, os dejo la de Lyft de ejemplo:

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Echale un vistazo a tus farmaceuticas por que es posible que alguna de ellas tengan una division de salud animal.

Yo hace tiempo que les estoy echando un vistazo a ZTS y ELAN, son las que conozco, pero no hay forma de hincarles el diente y estan muy caras en mi opinion.

Me tengo que conformar con la division de MRK

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Yo lo estoy haciendo o intento hacerlo via fondos, no quiero tener una cartera con multiples posiciones miniatura.

Tengo posiciones pequeñitas a traves de algun fondo, pero no he encontrado ningun fondo especifico mas alla de fondos de nuevas tendencias

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A ver si alguien llevaba esta.

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Disruptive Innovation - High Growth Blog.
Guía de inversión de @Chowder para estas empresas.

En su cartera-legado tiene: CRM … CRWD … NIO … ROKU … SBE … SE … SNOW … SQ … TDOC … TSLA … TWLO … Z

" It was time for reflection, it was time for a reevaluation of goals, do I preserve capital, or do I go for growth. I started to think. Well, I have more than I need, and I sure can’t take it with me, but as I get older I keep thinking I need a purpose. I need something to keep me going, to give me something to look forward to, something I can get excited about and that led me to here. … Why not build something even greater? Why not leave a legacy behind? At my age it is not uncommon to wonder about that, to have your life have more value than raising a family, why not give them something better than that as long as they have shown a willingness to depend on themselves and not me. … I said go for it!
This time I know what to do. Identify the secular and mega trends. Our society as a whole is at a crossroad seen like no other since WWll. There is no status quo, changes are being made and more changes are coming. The way people live 20 - 30 years from now won’t come close to resembling the way we lived just 10 years ago. What industries, what sectors, what companies will be part of that revolution? … Okay, getting my mind right. Stirring the mental pot, looking for ideas, and I’ll be damned, they are staring us right in the face, begging us to take advantage of them.Blockchain technology … genome sequencing … artificial intelligence … robotics … next generation internet.
This is where the growth is going to come from. These are the industries where the next MSFT, AMZN, FB, GOOGL and NFLX will come from. Which up and coming companies? I don’t know, but here’s what I do know.I can look at the various companies within these industries and sectors and identify the ones early in their growth phase who are showing growing revenues. The value investor will ignore these companies because they have no earnings, they have too much debt, but it’s those things that kept the value investor out of AMZN early in their career. It’s what kept the value investors from investing in TSLA and they just paid a heavy price for doing so. The index funds, which try to be value based, were insanely underfunded in TSLA, and as a result were forced to buy over 100 million shares at $695 each, an all-time high price. … Value anyone?
AMZN is now up over 163,000% and I read an article today where value investors are trying to determine a fair value entry point.Okay, enough of that, here’s what I learned from getting crushed during the last bubble. When you identify a company you want to own, forget about valuation, they don’t have the numbers that value investors use as their criteria for a price target. You have to believe in the story, it’s why they are called story stocks, and then I focus on revenue growth.
Once I identify those two pieces of criteria, I go in small, and this is perfect in today’s environment because unlike back during the bubble days, where I had to buy round lots and pay commissions, you can now go in with $300, $500, $1,000 lots and establish a position.
Once in the position, share price has one purpose only. Who do I add to? … You add to strength! … This is important, especially more so with new companies, never, ever average down on cost UNLESS some market moving news comes out that the market reacts to favorably.
At this time, CRWD is up 42% for me. TSLA is up 35%. ROKU is up 30.42%. SNOW is up 28%.
TSLA is being set up on a monthly purchase program but with the others, those 3 companies are the ones I will look to add to first. They are my best performers and I want more of my best.CRM is down 13% and NIO is down 15% and if I was trading, I might buy those lows, but I am not trading, I am looking for my next AMZN so I will not throw good money after bad. That is what killed me during the tech crash. … I was stupid enough to listen to the herd that said, if you liked it at $20, you should love it at $10. I added to it and I can assure you, although I loved it at $10, I hated it at $1, and I had a few of those. … So, I might like NIO at $47, but I’m not going to love it until $57. … Ha!
Build on strength!
And speaking of building, in the spirit of maintaining the proper mindset, and managing your emotions, build small. Add in $500 lots, $1,000 lots and do so around earnings time. Wait to see what these companies report and more importantly, how the market reacts to those reports. Most people are looking to buy the dips. Don’t be a dip and buy off that weak company performance, because for new companies, it isn’t the share price that is now important, it’s company performance, it has to keep growing. You buy the dips on well established companies, you buy the rips on up and coming hyper growth companies. This is a concept that is difficult for people to grasp, but in learning how to do so, buy small, buy often, and learn as you go.
It doesn’t matter what style or strategy you use in investing, if you want to succeed at any of them, ya gotta get your mind right! … What are you waiting for?"

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La verdad es que me siento raro viendo la locura colectiva que parece haberse apoderado de todo el mundo.

Sere yo el loco seguramente

14 Me gusta

Lo sabremos en un par de años. Para 2024, cuando Álvaro Musach ya se habrá retirado con el dinero ganado con BTC.

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Aquí dejo alguna compra más de Chowder, sacadas del ARK genómica, el cual dice es una de las dos apuestas para la cartera de su hijo.

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