IPO (Initial Public Offering) / OPV

yo llevo unos días haciendo encuestas a los hijos de amigos de entre 8 y 16 años.

¿a qué juegas?
¿tienes cuenta en roblox?
¿fuiste al concierto de Travis Scott en Abril en Fornite?
¿tus amigos compraron algo durante el evento?
¿es verdad que Fornite ha bajado de nivel?
¿dónde quedáis cuando hay confinamiento virtualmente?

es un ejercicio muy interesante para ver por donde van las tendencias y entender el grado de enganchamiento que tienen.

Después puedes preguntar a los mayores: ¿cuál es el mayor castigo que podrías darle al niño? ¿no salir o quitarle el PC?

Roblox is coming, hay que entender que es y como funciona. Unity ya salió a bolsa y Tencent tiene los mismos servicios de juegos, más avanzados e implantados que los de Facebook, que en este area no es para nada líder del sector. Tencent además tiene un buen cacho de Epic Games.

Buen día,

8 Me gusta

Muy buen ejercicio :joy: :joy: :joy:

Tienes información sobre esta?

no mucho, solo que han postpuesto el IPO al ver las revalorizaciones que han sufrido las recientes IPOs de C3, AirBnB…

yo viendo el sector donde trabaja y viendo los pocos números que hay creo que si la sacan barata tarde o temprano viene Facebook y la compra. Porque no hay muchos datos de lo que está creciendo ese segmento dentro de Facebook, pero…haz la pregunta a los jóvenes de si juegan a juegos en Facebook, el careto que te ponen es del tipo “si quieres meterte un palo en el culo, hazlo tu, eso no mola”

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Yo doy clases en un cole de gente con dinero y flipo con las cantidades semanales de dinero que se dejan los niños en Roblox/Fortnite (más bien los padres). En días en los que se les permite traer jueguetes o ropa informal vienen con muñecos de Roblox o jerseys navideños con motivos de este mismo juego.

A la pregunta ¿qué vais a hacer estas vacaciones?, la gran mayoría me dicen que se van a tal o cual sitio, pero que se llevan el ordenador para jugar al Roblox.

Críos de 9 a 12 años.

En qué se han quedado las navidades :no_mouth:

3 Me gusta

Por cierto, ya que hablamos de esto:

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2020’s Biggest IPOs
Here are the biggest single IPO deals by size and subsequent gains in market cap this year.

Market cap and returns to date are as of Dec. 14. Source: Pitchbook and Morningstar.

Warner Music Group WMG

IPO: June 3, 2020
Deal Size: USD 1.93 billion
Current Market Cap: USD 16.7341 billion
Approx. returns since IPO: + 31% - USD 32.86 (USD 25 starting price)

The first big deal waited for markets to begin to calm, with Warner Music–or rather, senior shareholders of the record label company–deciding to sell some stock. None of the proceeds went to the company itself; however, public shareholders eventually benefited after the stock nearly bounced off its IPO price at the end of October.

Li Auto LI

IPO: July 30, 2020
Deal Size: USD 1.092.50 billion

Current Market Cap: USD 29.2804 billion
Approx. returns since IPO: +260% - USD 30.83 (USD 11.50 starting price)

Li Auto’s high-end and hybrid electric vehicle offerings are riding a Chinese electric vehicle boom. “China’s share of total global EV sales is also growing at an astonishing rate”, says Elliot Johnson, who leads the Evolve Automobile Innovation Index Fund CARS at Evolve ETFs. “Factors driving this growth include the increasing size of China’s domestic market for consumer goods, economies of scale driving down prices, technological advances improving battery range, and the increased roll-out of charging stations,” he says.

Rocket Companies RKT

IPO: Aug. 6, 2020

Deal Size: USD 1.80 billion

Current Market Cap: USD 43.2313 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: +21% - USD 21.80 (USD 18 starting price)

This Detroit-based mortgage company has combined the power of podcast and omnichannel advertising with government-sponsored and insured products in the United States. The company’s flagship product is Rocket Mortgage, and it has since launched offerings in industries like auto sales and personal lending. Investors have made modest gains on this stock as it seeks to reclaim a peak in mid-November.


IPO: Aug. 27, 2020

Deal Size: USD 1.50 billion

Current Market Cap: USD 32.9133 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: +209% - USD 46.47 (USD 15 starting price)

X Peng competes against Li Auto and targets the same luxury segment as NIO–the original Chinese EV stock. “Strong competition between NIO, X Peng, LI Auto, and Tesla proves an important point: The high demand in China means there is room for all of them,” says Johnson. “All four will struggle to meet demand in 2021 and 2022, as their biggest challenge will be how to scale up production while maintaining margins, along with the possibility of needing to raise more capital. Bottom line: This is not a zero-sum game in the Chinese market like it is in developed economies.”

Snowflake SNOW

IPO: Sept. 16, 2020

Deal Size: USD 3.36 billion
Current Market Cap: USD 93.2786 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: +273% - USD 328.45 (USD 120 starting price)

Some call Snowflake a “data warehouse-as-a-service,” or a company that takes on the weight of maintaining data so that it’s available when you need it. Early investors profited by predicting the growing demand for efficient storage as the stock rose around 216% since IPO.

Unity Software U

IPO: Sept. 18, 2020

Deal Size: USD 1.30 billion
Current Market Cap: USD 45.2874 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: +192% - USD 144.36 (USD 75 starting price)

Unity is a standard piece of software for 2D and 3D content designers across a wide variety of platforms, from smartphones to consoles and VR headsets. Since its launch, the stock’s steadily climbed to more than double its original trading price.

GoodRx Holdings GDRX

IPO: Sept. 23, 2020

Deal Size: USD 1.14 billion

Current Market Cap: USD 17.2877 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: +33% - USD 44.35 (USD 33 starting price)

It’s understandable to believe that a healthcare app stock would soar in a pandemic–and it did–but now it’s nearing where it started.

Palantir PLTR

IPO: Sept. 30, 2020

Deal Size: USD 2.5714 billion
Current Market Cap: USD 50.6648 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: +270% - USD 26.97 (USD 10 starting price)

Palantir emerged on the markets as a mysterious baron of Big Data. It had the big U.S. government contracts and combined that with data analytics and artificial intelligence. The stock has soared to around double our fair value estimate, but we remain optimistic, especially in the B2B space. “For the commercial segment, we expect strong growth as more companies and industries strive to understand actionable insights from their data stores and new data generated,” says equity analyst Mark Cash.

DoorDash DASH

IPO: Dec. 9, 2020

Deal Size: USD 3.37 billion
Current Market Cap: USD 49.2371 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: -16% - USD 156.13 (USD 185 starting price)

DoorDash has become a food-tech ally, as households sought to add some variety and convenience to restricted dining options at home. With the IPO launching just as the vaccine rolls out, we’ll soon see how many now prefer dining-in over dining-out.

Airbnb ABNB

IPO: Dec. 10, 2020

Deal Size: USD 3.51 billion
Current Market Cap: USD 101.114 billion

Approx. returns since IPO: -14% - USD 127.92 (USD 146 starting price)

Frustration with booked-up hotels near a conference led these founders to take an air mattress and a website called “Air Bed and Breakfast" and grow to an app that’s logged billions of booked nights. It should continue to grow, but for now, we think it’s worth around USD 60.

3 Me gusta

En casa también están con el dichoso roblox. La tengo en el punto de mira.

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Acceso a los no suscriptores:

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  • New York Stock Exchange will be allowed to offer issuers the ability to raise primary capital through direct listings

  • Direct listings offer an alternative to initial public offerings for taking a company public. A direct listing sells existing shares, rather than issuing new shares, as is done in an IPO. It also bypasses underwriters in the process of selling the shares, thereby reducing the cost of the offering

  • Since new shares aren’t sold through direct listings, companies can’t raise capital through them. Rather companies that use direct listings may be seeking other benefits of being a publicly traded company, such as increasing liquidity for existing shareholders.

1 me gusta

Acabo de descubrir que IB (o en mi caso ActivoTrade) te permite suscribirte a IPO y te avisa de las que están activas en la plataforma.
Me acabo de suscribir a ver si así es más fácil acceder a algunas IPOs el día de su salida a bolsa.

2 Me gusta

Interesante. ¿En que consiste exactamente la suscripción?

No hay mucha información. Simplemente en la Página de Gestión de Cuenta hay una pestaña que se llama “Suscripciones IPO” donde te pide que marques un par de casillas conforme no eres director y demás de ninguna compañía cotizada, no tienes más del 10% de acciones, etc… y una vez marcadas se supone que te activan como válido para enviarte información de las IPO que tengan activas en la plataforma.
Ya os diré como va si recibo información de alguna. Por ahora lo he activado en todas mis cuentas.

6 Me gusta

Pues es una informacion muy interesante si pudieras compartirla en este hilo para los que no estamos en IB :smiley:

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Ningún problema, es lo que me encanta de este foro, que todo el mundo ayuda en lo puede :smiley:

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Esta me temo que por ahora no será accesible ya que solo saldrá en Sanghai

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