No se cuánto de esos 500000 millones de dólares son desembolsos reales y cuánto plusvalías latentes, pero si sé que en el momento en que haya necesidad de rebajar los dólares circulantes es un buen sitio donde eliminarlos.
Vaya, otra que pretende lanzar una OPA a Admirall…
Parece que hay negocio mas allá del chasis.
Para quien no sepa quien es M. Burry
Es uno que se parece mucho a Christian Bale
I got started down this path when I read that the UK passed legislation stating that internal combustion engine vehicles could no longer be sold in 10 years. I then read where China wanted zero emissions by 2035, hence my interest in NIO. I saw where CA passed legislation where all new homes have to be built using solar energy. I saw where Europe is well on it’s path to clean energy. I knew then that there was no use fighting it anymore, the electric vehicle is coming and I needed to educate myself as to how I can profit from it.
After reading several articles and watching dozens of YouTube videos, I found that TSLA is more than an automobile company. I watched CNBC videos where TSLA was discussed and all of the analysts were trying to value TSLA like they do all auto companies. That’s when I realized these people don’t know what they are talking about. TSLA is more than an auto company, a company by the way that doesn’t have anyone close to them as far as competing with them.
I learned that there is also TSLA energy which is the world’s largest battery energy storage company. I found out that Musk says that TSLA energy one day would be larger than TSLA auto. … Whoa!
But wait, there’s more. They also have an insurance division and a potential mobility/ride-sharing division, a software/networks division, software by the way that no other company has and is critical to making an electric vehicle feasible for the masses. … AND ANALYSTS STILL WANT TO VALUE IT LIKE AN AUTO COMPANY.
Totalmente de acuerdo con Chowder.
Y además… Space X.
Hasta donde yo sé son compañías independientes, Space X no forma parte de Tesla
Pero la publicidad gratuita tb cuenta!
Efectivamente, creo que no hay nadie en el mundo que no sepa qué y quién es Tesla. Se lo han montado de maravilla.
Que sus facturas directas en publicidad sean 0$ es posible. Sin embargo, mandar ese coche ahí no es gratis, para nada.
¿Desde cuando es cool mandar basura al espacio?
Tesla adquiriendo Daimler…, sería impresionante.
En cualquier caso, Tesla podría convertirse en el ejemplo perfecto con el que ilustrar la teoría de la reflexividad de George Soros.
Pues no se, yo no lo veo, pero cosas mas dificiles se han visto en bolsa.
Pero y con qué iba a pagar Tesla? Emitiendo acciones supongo? Sería el colmo de las burbujas