Tim McAleenan Jr. (The Conservative Income Investor)

¿Hubo alguna empresa de lujo que no recortase (sin necesidad) el dividendo durante la pandemia?

EL suspendió recuerdo.



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Hermes lo congeló.


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“Investors are now looking back and reflecting on the amount of analyst vitriol that greeted Amazon when it poured capital into Amazon Web Services, I suspect that the next decade’s reconsideration will be a mea culpa for the criticism of Paramount Global and Disney as they invested heavily into their streaming platforms”


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For me, that’s what quality is all about. It lets me recover when I enter “justification mode” and pay too much, and it also prevents me from seeing decades of hard work evaporate like Wachovia, Eastman Kodak, and General Motors shareholders experienced with their shares.

I look for strong brands. I look for companies with economies of scale. I look for companies that sell products that people can’t live without.

There’s about a hundred or so companies you can reasonably guess will be making profits thirty or so years from now. My job is to identify them, generate the surplus capital from a combination of my labor and living below my means so I can establish ownership stakes in those stocks, and then build a diversified collection of them so I can get richer even as I make mistakes.

When you combine diversification across the sectors with high-quality stocks, you are creating little moats with crocodiles around your castle. You’re on the path to building one hell of a good financial fortress.

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¿Otra vez en la que el mercado formado por premios nobel y superdotados se equivocó?

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El mercado puede permanecer irracional más tiempo del que tú puedes seguir siendo solvente.

Benjamín Graham

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Yo solo digo que a toro pasado y sin haber cenado en casa de Tim es dificil no acertar en al menos el 90% de los tiros…

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No entiendo tu comentario. ¿Puedes aclarármelo?

Me refiero a que el amigo Tim, del que no tengo mas referencia que vuestros comentarios, es muy dado a hablar sobre lo buena que ha sido la inversion en tal empresa 20 años despues, que se agradece pero no habla sobre otras que quedaron en el camino y que probablemente muchos podriamos haber tenido, no se si me hago entender por donde voy…

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