Shell (SHEL)

Encima con un buen surtido de nuestras carteras: PEP, PG, BF, KO… Y como colofón un Rioja haciendo patria. Que también tenemos nuestro corazoncito, no somos capitalistas sin alma…

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[Debate sobre Shell movido desde el hilo de Compras y ventas de empresas británicas]

Alguien me puede recordar la diferencia entra las clase A y las clase B??


Las clase A cotizan en Holanda y tienen una retención de origen. Las B cotizan en UK y no tienen retención de origen.

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Eso es así. Si bien la retención en Holanda es un 15% que la mayoría de los que estamos aquí nos deducimos íntegro en la declaración y no tienes que hacer cambio de moneda por lo que, en algunos casos, te ahorras una comisión. Yo con mis circunstancias la compraría en Holanda.

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Yo la he mirado varias veces porque me atrae tener otra Major y sin retención. La cuestión que me echa para atrás es que las europeas están bastante por detrás de las americanas en retorno del capital. Y XOM es la que más fuerte está invirtiendo a largo plazo.

El gráfico es de la propia Exxon, nos lo creeremos.

Sobre RDS.A y RDS.B no se diferencian por donde cotizan sino que la A es la entidad holandesa y la B la inglesa. La B también se puede comprar en Amsterdam en euros y ahorrarte comisión, impuesto de la Reina y luego la retención, claro.

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Yo de decantarme por una petrolera europea sería Shell. La llevo en cartera junto a XOM.

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Yo me he decantado por Shell B mi primera empresa británica.

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Entonces, siendo así, lo mejor (bajo mi punto de vista) es comprar RDS.B en Amsterdam porque con ING me ahorro una comisión muy alta, el impuesto de la reina, el cambio de divisa y no tener retención de origen en el momento de cobro de dividendo…

4 Me gusta

Sí, yo cuando lo estuve mirando llegué a la misma conclusión. Salvo que se nos escape algo…

1 me gusta

En OCU recomiendan las RDSA he visto que las negocian tanto en Amsterdam como en Londres
Por lo que no se cual es la diferencia entre RDSA negociadas en holanda y RDSB

Al menos en ING, yo no puedo comprar las RDSB en Amsterdam

Estas son las opciones que me salen

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Yo hoy he abierto posición con las B.

Me fío más de @Juanvi que de la OCU :joy:

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¿Con que broker las has comprado?

Son listos en ING, se habrán dado cuenta de la jugada… xD

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Con el de ING pero en Alemania

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Yo compré RDSb pero en Londres. Sé que pago algo más pero bueno…

Jajaja. Las cosas de la interné. A mí nunca me han hecho caso ni en mi casa…

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Lo que mirando otra vez me parece es que tanto A como B cotizan en el mercado de Londres y de Amsterdam

Con Self Bank las RDSB se puede tb en los dos mercados:

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He encontrado esta explicacion


Royal Dutch Shell is a company that is associated with oil and gas. It has global operations with its headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands and has a registered office in London, United Kingdom. As a company, it is often referred to simply as Shell. In the present, it is the second largest energy company in the world and fifth largest company overall. As a gas and oil company, its activities include exploration of gas and oil reservations, production, refining, and distribution of oil around the globe. It is also a company that dabbles in petrochemicals, power generation, and trading. With the current trend of renewable energy in response to climate change, the company has been involved in biofuels, hydrogen, solar and wind power.

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As a business, the company is registered in the stock market as RDSA and RDSB. These are the classifications of shares wherein each share is a share of the company. Both shares have identical rights but have different characteristics. For example, RDSA is associated with the original Royal Dutch Shell Company. It is Dutch listed and complies with the Dutch tax system. For people who have these kinds of shares, there is a Dutch withholding tax on the shares divided on the rate of 15-25 per cent. This is in accordance with the Divide Access Mechanism that the company imposes on its company shares.
Also, the default currency to pay the dividends is in Euros, the currency adopted by the Dutch government.

Both RDSA and RDSB shares are traded in three stock exchange centers – London, Amsterdam, and New York.

The RDSA shares also have control of the 57 per cent of the company. The shareholders do not have voting power in the company, but they receive the assets before the other shareholders of RDSB in case of a bankruptcy.

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On the other hand, the shareholders of RDSB are associated with Shell Transport and Trading, the company’s shipping arm which is based in London, United Kingdom. Since Shell Transport and Trading is a company in itself, thus it is listed as a United Kingdom company and has shareholders of its own. As a British company, it is under the tax system of the United Kingdom. With respect to the Divide Access Mechanism of the company, these shares don’t have withholding tax since these shares are U.K.-sourced dividends. The company should prove to the Dutch tax inspectors that these shares are sourced directly from U.K. income.

RDSB controls the remaining 43 per cent of the company’s total shares and pays in pound sterling (the U.K.’s currency) when it comes to pay dividends. Also, shareholders of RDSB have voting power in the company but cannot receive assets until the RDSA shareholders get their share of the assets in a bankruptcy scenario.


1.RDSA and RDSB shares differ in the location where they are listed – RDSA is formerly of the original Royal Dutch Shell Company of the Netherlands while RDSB is previously associated with Shell Transport and Trading, a U.K.-based company and a subdivision of Royal Dutch Shell.
2.At the present, the RSDA has a higher percentage of the company with 575 while RDSB controls only 43 per cent.
3.RDSA is listed in the Netherlands with a withholding tax on dividends of 15-25 per cent while RDSB is a U.K.-sourced dividend under the company’s Divide Access Mechanism.
4.The default currency to pay dividends for RSDA is the Euro (the Dutch currency) while the pound sterling (the U.K.’s currency) is for the RDSB.
5.RDSA shareholders have no vote but have immediate access to assets in case of a company bankruptcy while RDSB shareholders have voting power but have to wait for their assets in the same scenario.

Read more: Difference Between RDSA and RDSB | Difference Between Difference Between RDSA and RDSB | Difference Between

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